Gneiss boulder and black walnut slab. On display at Chamber gallery, NYC.

Searching for stones at Sticks and Stones Farm

Gneiss boulder and black walnut slab. On display at Chamber gallery, NYC.

Gneiss boulder and black walnut slab. On display at Chamber gallery, NYC.
Ichi-monji Bench
In Japan the word "ichi-monji" means the number one. Since the number one is written with a single horizontal brush-stroke, anything that has a single “stroke” in its design might be called a “ichi-monji” style object.
Crafted from a gneiss boulder and a graceful slab of black walnut wood, the Ichi-monji Bench represents a harmonious juxtaposition of two aesthetics: shin (真) the aesthetic of human perfection, and sō (草), the aesthetic of being in a natural state. The perfectly cut and finished slab of wood, and the weathered boulder that is left in its natural state.
On display at Chamber, NYC.
**click upper photo to enlarge