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Dream Islands Garden
Architecture: LevenBetts

Dream Islands Garden
Architecture: LevenBetts

Dream Islands Garden

Dream Islands Garden
Architecture: LevenBetts
Dream Islands Garden
Mutō no Niwa 夢嶋の庭
Stone Ridge, NY
The stones in this garden represent mountains, the quintessential yang element in nature: solid, upright, eternal. The moss represents water, the quintessential yin element in nature: fluid, supine, evanescent. The two together —mountain and water, yin and yang— represent all of nature.
The stones, which were collected from the forest on the property, are a kind of sandstone called bluestone. The nobedan paths and the retaining wall were also made of bluestone that had been quarried nearby. Bluestone and moss — that is all there is in the palette of this garden.
Architecture: Levenbetts
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